RMagick 1.8.0 is available on RubyForge:
The RMagick home page is: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org
RMagick is a binding for the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing
libraries. These libraries support more than 90 image formats including
GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, and EPS. RMagick features over 150 methods for image
creation, editing, and format conversion, and includes comprehensive HTML
documentation with more than 175 complete examples.
This release of RMagick incorporates the RVG (Ruby Vector Graphics) library,
which has until now been a separate add-on library. RVG is a library for
drawing 2D graphics with an API based on the SVG specification. RVG
supports all the parts of SVG that ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick supports
(plus a few extra!), including:
o Structure: RVG, groups, and use
o User\-coordinate systems
o Coordinate system transformations \(translate, rotate, etc\.\)
o Basic shapes: line, rectangle, circle, ellipse, polygon, polyline
o Styles: fill, stroke, opacity, font\_size, etc\.
o SVG Paths
o Text \(including advanced styles such as vertical orientation\)
o Patterns
o Clipping paths
o Raster images
o Units conversions \(cm, in, etc\.\)
RVG would be a good library to use if you're writing an application that
needs to programmatically generate drawings, such as a charting
application, especially if you need to export your drawings in multiple
resolutions (web, print, etc.) and multiple image formats.
The RMagick documentation now includes an RVG tutorial and complete coverage
of the RVG API.
Tim Hunter