Ann: rexml 2.4.8


Hot on the heels of the 2.5.8 release is the next update of the stable
branch of REXML. It contains most of the bug fixes of the 2.5.8
release (excluding, of course, those that affect the API or advertized

Here’s the blurb:

REXML is an XML 1.0 compliant, reasonably fast, non-validating XML
parser. It has an API that is designed to be intuitive,
straightforward. and terse. REXML includes a tree model parser, a SAX2
streaming parser, and a pull parser. It also includes a full XPath
implementation. All of REXML’s parsers pass 100% of the Oasis XML
non-validating tests.

Changelog (since 2.4.7):

  • Applied patch that escapes “-” in character ranges in regular
    expressions to keep Ruby 1.8 from complaining (Tom Payne)
  • Applied patch that allows entities to contain upper case characters
    (Shin-ichi Hirata)
  • When a child was added to a parent, the parent wasn’t making sure
    that the child was removed from any previous parent. This has been
  • Applied a patch that fixes != equality checks in XPath (Kou)
  • Fixed Function::string() behavior, so elements evaluate to the
    correct string value in XPaths.
  • Fixed text() evaluation in XPath predicates
  • Backported fixes to Functions:: lang, floor, ceiling, and round
  • Fixed an XPath bug in predicate evaluation