# Very sorry for the double posting, if you've received this.
Hi all, I'm Ikoma and it's my first post in this ML.
I'm very pleased to announce the first public release of
regextest 0.1.5 on Rubygems / BitBucket.
It generates sample string corresponding to specified regular
require "regextest"
/\d{5}/.sample #=> "62853"
5.times.map{/\w{5}/.sample} #=> ["mCcA5", "1s3Ae", "9HYbe",
"x3T0A", "TJHlQ"]
Unlike any other similar tools/libraries(*1), it recognizes anchors (\b,
\A, \z, etc.),
any unicode character classes (Hiragana, Han, Hangul, Tamil, Kannada,
etc.), and
extended groups.
/.\b.\b.\b.\b\w/.sample #=> "W!m;4"
/[\p{greek}&&\p{upper}]+/.sample #=> "ΥΣΈΥΪΕΓΧΖ"
/(?x) G (o O(?-x)oO) g L/.sample #=> "GoOoOgL"
In addition, it can generate strings from Ruby's "not-so-regular"
expression such as look-ahead/behind, condition, reluctant repeat
or so-called "Tanaka Akira special"(*2), etc.. That is, using
this library, you can generate sample strings of any languages
(XML etc.) if you can describe the syntax of the language using
regex :-).
/(?=[a-z])\w{5}(?<=_\d)/.sample #=> "nCc_0"
palindrome = /\A(?<a>|.|(?:(?<b>.)\g<a>\k<b+0>))\z/
palindrome.sample #=> "a]r\\CC\\r]a"
xml = Regexp.compile(<<'__REGEXP__'.strip, Regexp::EXTENDED)
(?<element> \g<stag> \g<content>* \g<etag> ){0}
(?<stag> < \g<name> \s* > ){0}
(?<name> [a-zA-Z_:]+ ){0}
(?<content> [^<&]+ (\g<element> | [^<&]+)* ){0}
(?<etag> </ \k<name+1> >){0}
xml.sample #=>
You can use sample application ( http://goo.gl/5miiF4 ) without
installation / scripting. It provides Rubular(*3)-like regex
testing service. However, you will be aware that your regexes
can be checked without entering test strings.
The objective of the tool is to know what kind of strings can
be matched with specified regex. Therefore, main use case of the
tool may be testing. AFAIC, very surprised some regexes of mine
could match unexpected strings and sometimes they were harmful
for the target program.
*NOTE*, it is impossible to generate string from any regex
within a given time period (it is just same as Regexp class to
analyze). The tool returns error if it fails to generate. As
of now, there are some major (and many minor) restrictions /
bugs. See issues tracker
( https://bitbucket.org/ikomamik/regextest/issues?status=new&status=open )
for more details. I would like to improve functionality /
reliability on demand.
Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/ikomamik/regextest
License: 2-clause BSD license
View on registry: https://rubygems.org/gems/regextest
Documentation: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/regextest/0.1.5
Any comments, reports, or PRs are very welcomed.
It's my great pleasure if you would improve productivity using
this tool.
Mikio Ikoma
*1 Similar tools/libraries
- String-Random at CPAN
- SDL Regex Fuzzer of Microsoft
and many others
*2 "Not-so-regular" expression:
*3 Rubular: