[ANN] Rassmalog 2.1.0

Rassmalog is a static blog engine based on RSS 2.0, YAML,
and Textile. It features an extensible blog formatting
mechanism, easy configuration, and automatic tagging,
archiving, syntax coloring, and table of contents.

  Website: http://rassmalog.rubyforge.org

  Sources: http://rassmalog.rubyforge.org/src/rassmalog/

  Download: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2737

Version 2.1.0

This release adds support for e-mail based comments and
fixes some minor annoyances in the default CSS file.


  • Added an email parameter to the blog configuration
    file. This allows for posting of comments to blog

  • Added a #title element to the CSS file which controls
    the heading that appears beneath the #header in archive

  • The navigation menu now scrolls along with the rest of
    the page.

  • Added explanation of static vs. dynamic blog engines
    and a better “motivation” section to front page.

Posted on Fri Dec 15 19:31:30 2006.
Tagged as rassmalog, history.


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