[ANN] raindrops 0.16.0 - real-time stats for preforking Rack servers

raindrops is a real-time stats toolkit to show statistics for Rack HTTP
servers. It is designed for preforking servers such as unicorn, but
should support any Rack HTTP server on platforms supporting POSIX shared
memory. It may also be used as a generic scoreboard for sharing atomic
counters across multiple processes.

* http://raindrops.bogomips.org/
* No subscription necessary, no HTML mail:
* mail archives: http://bogomips.org/raindrops-public/
* git clone git://bogomips.org/raindrops.git
* http://raindrops.bogomips.org/NEWS.atom.xml
* http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/


    raindrops 0.16.0 - minor fixes and workarounds
    There's mainly a fix/workaround for Ruby 2.3 now returning
    locale-aware strings for File.readlink and our test suite
    using strange paths allowed by *nix.
    tcp_listener_stats won't return "true" object placeholders
    if stats are configured for a non-existent listener.
    There are also minor optimizations for Ruby 2.2+ (at the expense
    of 2.1 and earlier).
    And the usual round of minor tweaks and doc updates.
    10 changes since v0.15.0:
          gemspec: avoid circular dependency on unicorn
          remove optimizations which made sense for older rubies
          linux: workaround Ruby 2.3 change
          linux: remove Pathname stdlib dependency
          add .gitattributes for Ruby method detection
          middleware: minor bytecode size reduction
          doc: update URLs and references
          README: remove indentation from URLs in RDoc
          linux: tcp_listener_stats drops "true" placeholders
          build: use '--local' domain for dev gem install