[ANN] Presentation proposals for RubyConf 2004 now being accepted

Hello everyone --

We're pleased to announce that proposals for presentations at RubyConf
2004 are now being accepted at

If you are interested in giving a full-length (about 40-45 minute)
presentation, please complete and submit the form. Submission will be
open until August 2; final selection and scheduling will be completed
by August 9.

Note: If you indicated interest in presenting when you pre-registered,
you still need to complete the proposal form. If you did not indicate
interest, you can still propose a presentation now.

Please contact us if you have questions about the presentation
proposal process or any other aspect of the upcoming Conference.
You'll find more information at

Thanks for your interest -- looking forward to it!

David Black
Chad Fowler

for RubyConf 2004 and Ruby Central, Inc.

P.S. Conference registration is not yet open but will be soon.