Hello all !
= What is it ?
Piston is a utility that eases vendor branch management.
This is similar to <tt>svn:externals</tt>, except you have a local copy of
the files, which you can modify at will. As long as the changes are
mergeable, you should have no problems.
= What's changed ?
2007-03-09 1.3.1
* piston switch would fail if the branch from which we are reading had been
* piston switch had a major bug. It did not update the piston:root property
to remember the new repository root. Reported and fixed by Graeme
* piston switch errors out early if not provided with the right arguments.
Thanks to Graeme Mathieson for the info and patch.
* New internal command parser. No visible external changes.
= Installation
sudo gem install --include-dependencies piston
Enjoy !
François Beausoleil