[ANN] pg 0.9.0

Version 0.9.0 of ruby-pg has been released.

This is the extension library to access a PostgreSQL database from Ruby. This
library works with PostgreSQL 7.4 and later.

== Project Page


== Installation

Via gems:

  $ sudo gem install pg

or from source:

  $ wget http://deveiate.org/code/pg-0.9.0.tar.gz
  $ tar -xzvf pg-0.9.0.tar.gz
  $ cd pg-0.9.0
  $ sudo rake install

== Changes

=== New Features

* Added support for Ruby 1.9's multinationalization.
* A new PGconn#wait_for_notify method to be used with PostgreSQL's
  NOTIFY/LISTEN IPC mechanism.
* Added new column-selection methods PGresult#field_values and #column_values.
* Better error reporting from large-object methods.
* Improved spec coverage and faster spec runs.
* Added a PGconn::VERSION constant

=== Bugfixes

* Arity fix for PGresult#paramtype and PGconn.encrypt_password.
* PGconn#lo_read no longer returns garbage at the end of the data if told to
  read past the end of a large object.
* PGresult#fmod, #ftable, and #ftablecol now correctly raises an exception
  only if the specified index is really invalid.
* Made the block form of PGconn#exec, #exec_prepared, and #get_result pass the
  PGresult to the block instead of just the first row.
* The asynchronous PGconn.connect_start now correctly uses PQconnectStart()
  instead of PQconnectdb().

=== Miscellaneous

* Moved development over to Mercurial on Bitbucket.
* Made compilation under MacOS X easier by looking for pg_config.
* Win32 gem now includes a statically-linked libssl and libpq for easier

=== Acknowledgements

The features and bugfixes in this release were contributed by a bunch of
talented people:

* flameeyes@bitbucket.org (build fixes)
* ibc@bitbucket.org (bugfixes)
* Jeff Davis (spec fixes)
* Lars Kanis (bugfixes and win32 build)
* Mahlon Smith (wait_for_notify)
* Mike Pomraning (bugfixes)
* Nikolai Lugovoi (bugfixes, m17n)
* Sugano Yoshihisa (column-selection methods)
* Yuki Miyauchi (bugfixes)
* Yuki Sonoda (m17n)