Hi all,
I'm happy to announce the release of pathname2 1.5.1.
What is it?
An alternate implementation of the Pathname class.
What's new?
This release adds the Kernel#pn method as a shortcut for Pathname.new, as well as an '/' alias for the '+' method. It also fixes a bug with Pathname#realpath and symbolic links.
Where is it?
You can find it on the RAA or RubyForge (part of the Shards project). You can also install it via gems.
What's the difference between your version and the one in the stdlib?
* It is a subclass of String (and thus, mixes in Enumerable).
* It has sensical to_a and root instance methods.
* It works on Windows and Unix. The current implementation does not work with Windows path names very well (e.g. Pathname#realpath, Pathname#parent), and not at all when it comes to UNC paths.
* The Pathname#cleanpath method works differently - it always returns a canonical pathname. In addition, there is no special consideration for symlinks (yet, though I'm not sure how important this really is).
* The Pathname#+ method auto cleans.
* It uses a facade for all File and Dir methods, as well as all ftools methods and most FileUtils methods.
* Pathname#clean works slightly differently. In the stdlib version, Pathname#clean("../a") returns "../a". In this version, it returns "a". This affects other methods, such as Pathname#relative_path_from.
* Accepts file urls and converts them to paths automatically, e.g. file:///foo%20bar/baz becomes '/foo bar/baz'.
* Adds a Kernel level +pn+ method as a shortcut.
* Allows you to add paths together with the '/' operator.
* Provides an implementation in C if you desperately need speed (though the gem installs the pure Ruby version only).
Some benchmarks for your amusement
- Pure Ruby
user system total real
Pathname.new(path) 0.640000 0.110000 0.750000 ( 0.779167)
Pathname#+(Pathname) 8.970000 1.370000 10.340000 ( 10.834968)
Pathname#+(String) 9.060000 1.370000 10.430000 ( 15.592133)
Pathname#children 11.520000 2.670000 14.190000 ( 19.733709)
Pathname#pstrip 1.010000 0.160000 1.170000 ( 1.194300)
Pathname#pstrip! 0.250000 0.100000 0.350000 ( 0.340941)
Pathname#to_a 0.590000 0.100000 0.690000 ( 0.697782)
Pathname#descend 8.470000 1.540000 10.010000 ( 11.796088)
Pathname#ascend 11.990000 1.590000 13.580000 ( 15.250620)
Pathname#root 0.910000 0.160000 1.070000 ( 1.126409)
Pathname#root? 1.000000 0.200000 1.200000 ( 1.250843)
Pathname#<=> 0.180000 0.090000 0.270000 ( 0.298482)
Pathname#absolute? 1.070000 0.240000 1.310000 ( 1.359826)
Pathname#relative? 1.020000 0.200000 1.220000 ( 1.271063)
Pathname#clean 5.460000 1.150000 6.610000 ( 6.839555)
Pathname#clean! 13.770000 1.980000 15.750000 ( 16.293503)
Pathname#realpath 11.670000 2.400000 14.070000 ( 14.590873)
- C extension
user system total real
Pathname.new(path) 0.160000 0.050000 0.210000 ( 0.236884)
Pathname#+(Pathname) 2.360000 0.070000 2.430000 ( 2.561718)
Pathname#+(String) 2.340000 0.070000 2.410000 ( 2.508076)
Pathname#children 4.400000 1.240000 5.640000 ( 5.757893)
Pathname#pstrip 0.220000 0.050000 0.270000 ( 0.288802)
Pathname#pstrip! 0.060000 0.050000 0.110000 ( 0.127524)
Pathname#to_a 0.490000 0.050000 0.540000 ( 0.570622)
Pathname#descend 1.850000 0.110000 1.960000 ( 2.050105)
Pathname#ascend 2.270000 0.100000 2.370000 ( 2.436976)
Pathname#root 0.270000 0.050000 0.320000 ( 0.325671)
Pathname#root? 0.260000 0.060000 0.320000 ( 0.342852)
Pathname#<=> 0.090000 0.040000 0.130000 ( 0.158385)
Pathname#absolute? 0.270000 0.060000 0.330000 ( 0.349167)
Pathname#relative? 0.260000 0.050000 0.310000 ( 0.329822)
Pathname#clean 1.350000 0.060000 1.410000 ( 1.456711)
Pathname#clean! 1.070000 0.060000 1.130000 ( 1.192618)
Pathname#realpath 0.290000 0.320000 0.610000 ( 0.629255)
- Dan
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