[ANN] ParseTree 1.6.4 Released

ParseTree version 1.6.4 has been released!


ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and

As an example:

   def conditional1(arg1)
     if arg1 == 0 then
       return 1
     return 0


       [:args, :arg1],
        [:call, [:lvar, :arg1], :==, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
        [:return, [:lit, 1]],
       [:return, [:lit, 0]]]]]


+ Uses RubyInline, so it just drops in.
+ Includes SexpProcessor and CompositeSexpProcessor.
  + Allows you to write very clean filters.
+ Includes parse_tree_show, which lets you quickly snoop code.
  + echo "1+1" | parse_tree_show -f for quick snippet output.
+ Includes parse_tree_abc, which lets you get abc metrics on code.
  + abc metrics = numbers of assignments, branches, and calls.
  + whitespace independent metric for method complexity.
+ Includes parse_tree_deps, which shows you basic class level dependencies.
+ Only works on methods in classes/modules, not arbitrary code.
+ Does not work on the core classes, as they are not ruby (yet).


   sexp_array = ParseTree.new.parse_tree(klass)


   class MyProcessor < SexpProcessor
     def initialize
       self.strict = false
     def process_lit(exp)
       val = exp.shift
       return val


   % ./parse_tree_show myfile.rb


   % echo "1+1" | ./parse_tree_show -f


   % ./parse_tree_abc myfile.rb


+ 2 major enhancements:
  + rewrite extracted and intended to be run before (or in front of) process.
  + rewrite is now recursive as well, so children rewritings should be done independently of their parents. This should make complex rewriting layers much cleaner and allow me to eventually collect and publish a single "standard" rewriting layer.
+ 1 minor enhancement:
  + Iters are now {} if short and one line. YAY!
+ 1 bug fix:
  + Added test cases brought out by ruby2ruby/heckle.


OK... I suck... there was a bug in my release script with the new changes to hoe (updating online rdoc does a clean, which nuked the email text file).

ParseTree version 1.7.0 has been released!


ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and


+ 2 major enhancements:
  + rewrite extracted and intended to be run before (or in front of) process.
  + rewrite is now recursive as well, so children rewritings should be done independently of their parents. This should make complex rewriting layers much cleaner and allow me to eventually collect and publish a single "standard" rewriting layer.
+ 1 minor enhancement:
  + Iters are now {} if short and one line. YAY!
+ 1 bug fix:
  + Added test cases brought out by ruby2ruby/heckle.
