[ANN] One-Click Ruby Installer 184-18 Release Candidate 3 is available

Originally, this was planned to be the final 1.8.4 release of the One-Click
Ruby Installer for Windows. However, there were enough package upgrades in
this release to warrant one more release candidate to make sure there aren't
any show stoppers. If none are found, then you can expect the final release
this coming weekend. You can download this release (and its MD5 checksum)


The two biggest changes in this release are:

1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of
2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release on
2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

2) RubyGems has been updated to the recently released 0.9.0.

Other changes in this release include:

* Included all Win32-Util packages that are available as RubyGems.
* All sample programs now reside under the "samples" directory.
* Updated FreeRIDE to 0.9.6
* Upgrade FXRuby to 1.6.0
* Added option for European keyboard to properly map certain input
characters in IRB.
* Uninstaller now informs you that the entire installation dir will be
deleted and gives you the option to abort.
* Log4r is now installed via RubyGems

Not sure that this is a good idea, as FXRuby 1.6 is a fairly new
release. Has FreeRIDE been updated to use FXRuby 1.6 yet?


On 7/3/06, Curt Hibbs <curt.hibbs@gmail.com> wrote:

Other changes in this release include:

* Upgrade FXRuby to 1.6.0

hi curt-

any chance of getting the gsl in there? cheers.



On Tue, 4 Jul 2006, Curt Hibbs wrote:

Originally, this was planned to be the final 1.8.4 release of the One-Click
Ruby Installer for Windows. However, there were enough package upgrades in
this release to warrant one more release candidate to make sure there aren't
any show stoppers. If none are found, then you can expect the final release
this coming weekend. You can download this release (and its MD5 checksum)


The two biggest changes in this release are:

1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of
2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release on
2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

2) RubyGems has been updated to the recently released 0.9.0.

Other changes in this release include:

* Included all Win32-Util packages that are available as RubyGems.
* All sample programs now reside under the "samples" directory.
* Updated FreeRIDE to 0.9.6
* Upgrade FXRuby to 1.6.0
* Added option for European keyboard to properly map certain input
characters in IRB.
* Uninstaller now informs you that the entire installation dir will be
deleted and gives you the option to abort.
* Log4r is now installed via RubyGems

suffering increases your inner strength. also, the wishing for suffering
makes the suffering disappear.
- h.h. the 14th dali lama

1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of


On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 12:06:36AM +0900, Curt Hibbs wrote:
                ruby_1_8 I

2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release on
2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

Why 2006-04-14? Was it the last snapshot tagged as 1.8.4 (as opposed to

Mauricio Fernandez - http://eigenclass.org - singular Ruby

Hello Curt,

The two biggest changes in this release are:

1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of
2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release on
2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

I'm not really happy with using tagged CVS HEADS in important official releases
like the one click installer.



All Customers of Arachno Ruby who wants to use it (with the
latestsbetas) please add to the file:

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the following two lines:


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's


At Tue, 4 Jul 2006 00:06:36 +0900,
Curt Hibbs wrote in [ruby-talk:199979]:

Originally, this was planned to be the final 1.8.4 release of the One-Click
Ruby Installer for Windows. However, there were enough package upgrades in
this release to warrant one more release candidate to make sure there aren't
any show stoppers. If none are found, then you can expect the final release
this coming weekend. You can download this release (and its MD5 checksum)


Can't you give a glance at [ruby-core:07922]?


Nobu Nakada

It was an official build/release of ruby-mswin32 (although they pulled it
from their downloads once the put up 1.8.5 preview1).



On 7/3/06, Mauricio Fernandez <mfp@acm.org> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 12:06:36AM +0900, Curt Hibbs wrote:
> 1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of
                                                               ruby_1_8 I
> 2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release
> 2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

Why 2006-04-14? Was it the last snapshot tagged as 1.8.4 (as opposed to

Mauricio Fernandez - http://eigenclass.org - singular Ruby

Through the magic of RubyGems, the installer includes *both* 1.2.6 and 1.6.0.
FreeRIDE still uses 1.2.6.



On 7/3/06, Lyle Johnson <lyle.johnson@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7/3/06, Curt Hibbs <curt.hibbs@gmail.com> wrote:

> Other changes in this release include:
> * Upgrade FXRuby to 1.6.0

Not sure that this is a good idea, as FXRuby 1.6 is a fairly new
release. Has FreeRIDE been updated to use FXRuby 1.6 yet?

Right. But if there are significant YAML bugs that are fixed (and
there are), it's worthwhile. I would like to see some of these things
labeled as, say, or something like that, but the release
process is pretty significant, so I can understand why it isn't done.



On 7/3/06, Lothar Scholz <mailinglists@scriptolutions.com> wrote:

> 1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of
> 2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release on
> 2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

I'm not really happy with using tagged CVS HEADS in important official releases
like the one click installer.

Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com * http://www.halostatue.ca/
               * austin@halostatue.ca * You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. // halo • statue
               * austin@zieglers.ca

Austin Ziegler wrote:


On 7/3/06, Lothar Scholz <mailinglists@scriptolutions.com> wrote:

> 1) The core Ruby interpreter was built from the source of CVS HEAD as of
> 2006-04-14. This contains many bug fixes since 1.8.4's original release on
> 2005-12-25. In particular, many of the YAML bugs were fixed.

I'm not really happy with using tagged CVS HEADS in important official releases
like the one click installer.

Right. But if there are significant YAML bugs that are fixed (and
there are), it's worthwhile. I would like to see some of these things
labeled as, say, or something like that, but the release
process is pretty significant, so I can understand why it isn't done.


All packages in the stdlib should be gemified and released separately as needed. That would solve this problem nicely, don't you think?



Hello Daniel,

All packages in the stdlib should be gemified and released separately as
needed. That would solve this problem nicely, don't you think?

Well it would also help if matz give up his stupid idea that 2.0 is
rite and no version numbers should be two-digit ones. Then we could do
what everybody else is doing. At the moment the major.minor.patch
version is simply completely missused.

Having a 1.9 in development for more then 5 years now, which is
blocking a correct version numbering is ..... well i stop i think i
made my point clear enough.

I mentioned this already a few times on the core list.
But matz does not even answer to these problem.


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's