[ANN One-Click Installer for Windows -- 2nd Test TCL/TK Release

This is the 2nd test release of 182-14 changes to the
TCL/TK installation. The Ruby TCL/TK support has now been
built using with the --enable-tcltk_stubs option (which
lets you point to different installations of TCL/TK by
setting environment vars), and the installer does not any
environment variables, itself.

Since I am completely ignorant of TCL/TK, so I have no
idea whether of not this will work. If you know TCL/TK
please test this version and let me know both ways (if
it works or if it doesn't). If it does not work it
would be particularly useful if you could determine why
and include in your report precisely what should be

*** Important! ***
Unless someone reports a problem this is how the TCL/TK
support will be packaged in the final release of the
1.8.2 One-Click Installer for Windows.

Please send reports to curt at hibbs dot com and
include "RubyTCL" in the subject line so that my
spam filter doesn't delete it.

Hello Curt,

This is the 2nd test release of 182-14 changes to the
TCL/TK installation. The Ruby TCL/TK support has now been
built using with the --enable-tcltk_stubs option (which
lets you point to different installations of TCL/TK by
setting environment vars), and the installer does not any
environment variables, itself.

Link ?


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Lothar Scholz wrote:

Hello Curt,

> This is the 2nd test release of 182-14 changes to the
> TCL/TK installation. The Ruby TCL/TK support has now been
> built using with the --enable-tcltk_stubs option (which
> lets you point to different installations of TCL/TK by
> setting environment vars), and the installer does not any
> environment variables, itself.

Link ?

Sorry, its on the standard download page:

