[ANN] Object Database Access v 1.0 released

Hannes Wyss [mailto:hwyss@ywesee.com] :


1 it sounds great but my dumb brain cannot picture its use and it begs for examples.
2 also, maybe you can give comparison/relation w dbi, yaml, odbc, kirbybase, and other db connectors.

One of the major problems of using a relational database when coding in
ruby, is that a RD severely restricts ruby's flexibility. I believe that
this can generally be said for using relational databases with object
oriented systems. My personal pet peeve however is the fact that with a
relational database, every simple evolution in the code-space must be
reflected in the database schema.
This problem has been addressed by the prevayler project (1) and its
ruby-implementations mnemonic and madeleine (2). I've had the pleasure to
work with both mnemonic and madeleine, but I've also run into problems,
such as:
* huge memory consumption and related performance problems (when the
  physical host starts swapping, performance degrades very quickly)
* all actions on your objects must be codified through a Command interface
  (this point is actually from http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?Madeleine
  - it's exactly what I mean, but I would never have been able to state
  it so precisely)
* implementing search is very hard work
* I came to a point, where taking a snapshot was not possible anymore
  (a Stack Overflow Error if I remember correctly)

ODBA tries to solve these issues while keeping the flexibility of the
Object prevalence approach.

I'll try to cook up some good examples and get back to you with them.

1) http://www.prevayler.org
2) http://madeleine.sourceforge.net



On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 07:56:14PM +0900, Peña, Botp wrote:

1 it sounds great but my dumb brain cannot picture its use and it begs for examples.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen / best regards

Hannes Wyss
Konzeption & Entwicklung

pub 1024D/60312B5F 2003-10-09 Hannes Wyss <hwyss@ywesee.com>
     Key fingerprint = 82D1 90C7 3F3D 93DC F715 4F8B 987A 628E 6031 2B5F

+41 43 540 05 49

www.ywesee.com > intellectual capital connected > www.oddb.org


1 it sounds great but my dumb brain cannot picture its use and it begs for examples.

I've put together a couple of code-examples:

now I've got to run - I'll answer all your further questions (my)

Thanks for your interest!


Mit freundlichen Grüssen / best regards

Hannes Wyss
Konzeption & Entwicklung

pub 1024D/60312B5F 2003-10-09 Hannes Wyss <hwyss@ywesee.com>
     Key fingerprint = 82D1 90C7 3F3D 93DC F715 4F8B 987A 628E 6031 2B5F

+41 43 540 05 49

www.ywesee.com > intellectual capital connected > www.oddb.org