[ANN] nokogiri released

nokogiri version has been released!

(Note that was not released.)

* <http://nokogiri.org>
* <https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri>
* <https://groups.google.com/group/nokogiri-talk>
* <https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues>

Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's
many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3

XML is like violence - if it doesn’t solve your problems, you are not using
enough of it.

= / 2015-01-22

Note that was not released.

== Features

* Unified Node and NodeSet implementations of #search, #xpath and #css.
* Added Node#lang and Node#lang=.
* bin/nokogiri passes the URI to parse() if an HTTP URL is given.
* bin/nokogiri now loads ~/.nokogirirc so user can define helper methods,
* bin/nokogiri can be configured to use Pry instead of IRB by adding a
couple of lines to ~/.nokogirirc. (#1198)
* bin/nokogiri can better handle urls from STDIN (aiding use of xargs).
* JRuby 9K support.

== Bug fixes

* DocumentFragment#search now matches against root nodes. (#1205)
* `XML::Comment.new` argument types are now consistent and safe (and
documented) across MRI and JRuby. (#1224)
* (MRI) Check if `zlib` is available before building `libxml2`. (#1188)
* (MRI) More fixes related to handling libxml2 parse errors during
DocumentFragment#dup. (#1196)
* (MRI) Restoring support for Ruby 1.9.2 that was broken in v1.6.4.1 and
v1.6.5. (#1207)
* (JRuby) Builder now handles namespace hrefs properly when there is a
default ns. (#1039)
* (JRuby) Clear the XPath cache on attr removal. (#1109)
* (JRuby) HtmlSaxPushParser now exists. (#1147) (Thanks, Piotr Szmielew!)