Hey folks, its time for another Columbia, MD Ruby on Rails CodeProject
CodeFest. The meeting is at Panera Bread, Dobbin Center, Columbia
(NOTE: This is NOT the one at the Columbia Mall.) Monday, September 26th at
We’re all learning Ruby and Rails so even if you don’t know much about
either please come, join the fun and even If you’re running late, we’d still
like you to join us.
I will monitor for cell calls at 240-671-9368 in case you have trouble
finding us.
Upcoming stories are:
- Multiple classes of members: regular, associate, subscription,
friend - Subset member selection based on membership class
- Subset member selection based on state/country or other critera
- RoySutton and JohnMaxwell - partially done. Back end supports
state and country criteria, but no UI
- RoySutton and JohnMaxwell - partially done. Back end supports
- sort output by country/zip/etc.
For more detail on our project see the wiki at
For direction to the Panera Bread that we are meeting at see
or see http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Panera+Bread,+Dobbin+Rd.,+Columbia+MD&ll=39.198072,-76.819324&spn=0.082526,0.139432&num=2&start=0&hl=en
PS, This is very cool someone use Ruby on Rails to setup a people search
page for Katrina survivors at http://www.katrinahelp.info/rdata/