Nate, the problem is that Pandas aren't natively found in Japan, and,
not to discriminate against Chinese rubyists, we've decided (or,
really, I was persuaded that) it didn't really reflect the text of the
shirts very well.
Others: I'll try to play around with some designs for origami, etc.
When I upload them to SpreadShirt, they have to go through an approval
process, so they may not be immediately available. I'll work on it
when I get home today.
While we're talking about mascots, I think I may as well reference a thread on
the topic from a month ago[1], if only to link again to Chip the talking
coding block[2]. Unarguably the coolest programming language mascot ever.
I'm going out for a while, but I should get back and work on some of
the Tanuki & Crane ideas.
Sweet! Purchased, thanks.
Like frozen sentries of the serengeti, the century-old termite mounds
had withstood all tests of time and foe - all tests, that is, except
the one involving drunken aardvarks and a stolen wrecking ball."
-- Gary Larson
Luke Kanies | |
i would like to see a "Real men use Ruby"
or maybe even a "Java is for wimps, I use Ruby"
that might be shirts i would actually wear
2006/8/4, Rick DeNatale <>:
On 8/3/06, Patrick Hurley <> wrote:
> On 8/3/06, Matt Todd <> wrote:
> > I also added some 10.method(:+).call(5) shirts
> >
> While I can appreciate the method to proc oddness, I think expressions
> that actual go some where are more fun (quickly contrived):
> [7,8,-1,10].inject(""){|a,b|a+=((b+51)*2+~b[0]).chr}
> [19,7,26,32].inject("") {|a,b| a+=(90+b).chr}
> [0,24,9,26].inject("") { |b,c| b += (c+95).chr }
Better to change those to
... {|a, b| a+....}
no need for the +=
Rick DeNatale
Swallow this, it will make you feel better.
"You've got a disease that there is no known cure for. We have run the
appropriate tests and found alarming conclusions. This is a very troubling
circumstance. But what is more troubling is how you developed this
condition. It seems that due to constant exposure to the dangerous realities
around you, this extremely rare virus has infected you. I am afraid there is
no known cure. On top of this, the disease is extremely contagious as well."
Perplexed as usual, I had to ask, "What is the disease?" The answer: "An
unyeilding hunger for the truth, a passion for the people around you, and
sorrow for those who still lie in darkness. To put it plainly, you have a
heart. We must amputate immediately."
--Andrew Schwab (Taken from the book "We Caught You Plotting Murder")
Why couldn't the mascot be a (ruby) red panda? White bits stay white, but black bits are red. Just throwing that out there.
One reason is because pandas are from Japan much like penguins are from the North Pole.
There was a brief discussion on the merits of pandas as a mascot up the thread a bit that goes into slightly more depth.
Duh, pandas are from China. Sorry, just a little brain-dead today. Ok, so how about a red Pokemon, it's Japanese! ;^) I am just kidding of course, trademark issues aside.
Nate, the problem is that Pandas aren't natively found in Japan, and,
not to discriminate against Chinese rubyists, we've decided (or,
really, I was persuaded that) it didn't really reflect the text of the
shirts very well.
Yeah, my bad. But have you heard of a Tanuki? It is a "Raccoon Dog" native to Japan.
I mentioned raccoon dogs in the same message in which I mentiond the
daikon. I think a ruby-red Tanuki would be a great choice.
On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 01:53:36AM +0900, pixelnate wrote:
Matt Todd wrote:
>Nate, the problem is that Pandas aren't natively found in Japan, and,
>not to discriminate against Chinese rubyists, we've decided (or,
>really, I was persuaded that) it didn't really reflect the text of the
>shirts very well.
Yeah, my bad. But have you heard of a Tanuki? It is a "Raccoon Dog"
native to Japan. Nyctereutes - Wikipedia
Anyhow, I was definitely inspired by the little 'nonce' conversation
to make some more t-shirt designs. Check out the 'tokui kurasu'
(singleton class Japanese pseudo-translation), 'pro singleton'/'anti
singleton', and 'got class'/'got klass?' shirts!
This is the design that I'm going to submit to SpreadShirt for their
approval. Once this is approved, I'll use it to design a new shirt.
Any ideas for the words?!
I know the t-shirt I want is something Ruby-ish with a Thank You Matz
on it (to wear to RubyConf :-). Of course being design illiterate I
will wait around for someone else to create it for me.
On 8/3/06, Patrick Hurley <> wrote:
I know the t-shirt I want is something Ruby-ish with a Thank You Matz
on it (to wear to RubyConf :-). Of course being design illiterate I
will wait around for someone else to create it for me.
Not that I would really wear it, I just wanted a laugh
On Aug 3, 2006, at 10:36 AM, Matt Todd wrote:
On 8/3/06, Patrick Hurley <> wrote:
I know the t-shirt I want is something Ruby-ish with a Thank You Matz
on it (to wear to RubyConf :-). Of course being design illiterate I
will wait around for someone else to create it for me.