If you are referring to the X11 and port forwarding, I would use it. Could
be useful. If you were making a proxy application(weather it be filtering,
or secure communication). Or even starting X apps with a GUI frontend. This
would be neat. --David
Original Message:
From: Jamis Buck jgb3@email.byu.edu
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 09:08:52 +0900
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Re: [ANN] Net::SSH 0.0.2
Randy Lawrence wrote:
Can we start doing SSH tunneling with Ruby 1.8.2 or do we have to wait
for that feature to be implemented?
Tunneling is not yet implemented, and I've been debating its usefulness
in the Net::SSH module. Since it sounds like you would like this
feature, how would *you* use it, if it were available? Can you provide a
few use cases?
- Jamis
Jamis Buck
ruby -ropenssl
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