[ANN] Net::SSH 0.0.1

Now available for your hacking pleasure: Net::SSH 0.0.1


This is an experimental release of Net::SSH. It absolutely WILL NOT work with the version of Ruby's openssl module currently shipped with any available distributions. You must get a patched version of the openssl module and install it (and remove the old module) before using Net::SSH. For your convenience, a patched version of the OpenSSL module for Ruby is available for download from the Net::SSH project page.

The current release of Net::SSH only supports the execution of non-interactive processes on the remote host. The output from those processes is then returned to the client.

Future releases of Net::SSH will include an implementation of the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for file-system access, as well as (hopefully) a way to programatically invoke and control interactive remote processes.

The code is currently undocumented and mostly uncommented: work on this is pending.


Jamis Buck

ruby -ropenssl -e'k="01234567";p((c,c.padding,c.iv,c.key=OpenSSL::Cipher::BF.new,0,k,k*2)[0].decrypt.update("1A81803C452C324619D319F980D5B84DBB45FC0FE2BAA045".scan(/../).map{|n|n.to_i(16).chr}.join))'

A few questions:

1) Will this patch version of openssl be release with ruby in the

2) Does it works on Windows as well?

Your library is going to be of great interest to me. Thanks.



On Sun, 2004-06-20 at 13:55, Jamis Buck wrote:

Now available for your hacking pleasure: Net::SSH 0.0.1


This is an experimental release of Net::SSH. It absolutely WILL NOT work
with the version of Ruby's openssl module currently shipped with any
available distributions. You must get a patched version of the openssl
module and install it (and remove the old module) before using Net::SSH.
For your convenience, a patched version of the OpenSSL module for Ruby
is available for download from the Net::SSH project page.

The current release of Net::SSH only supports the execution of
non-interactive processes on the remote host. The output from those
processes is then returned to the client.

Future releases of Net::SSH will include an implementation of the Secure
File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for file-system access, as well as
(hopefully) a way to programatically invoke and control interactive
remote processes.

The code is currently undocumented and mostly uncommented: work on this
is pending.

Jamis Buck

ruby -ropenssl

Guillaume Marcais wrote:

A few questions:

1) Will this patch version of openssl be release with ruby in the

Yes. The patch has been accepted and applied to the Ruby/OpenSSL sources.

2) Does it works on Windows as well?

Not being a Windows user myself, I haven't tested it on Windows. However, I see no reason why it would not. Has anyone tried it on Windows successfully?


Jamis Buck

ruby -ropenssl -e'k="01234567";p((c,c.padding,c.iv,c.key=OpenSSL::Cipher::BF.new,0,k,k*2)[0].decrypt.update("1A81803C452C324619D319F980D5B84DBB45FC0FE2BAA045".scan(/../).map{|n|n.to_i(16).chr}.join))'