[ANN] Net::SFTP 0.5.0

Net::SFTP is a pure-Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol, versions 1 through 5. It requires Net::SSH 0.6.0.

   project page: http://rubyforge.org/projects/net-ssh

Documentation is severely lacking in this release, and I apologize for that. But I'm wanting to try something new for the user manual, and I figured I'd rather release something now without the user manual, than wait a few more weeks (or more) while the user manual solidifies.

(Incidentally, you can join the net-ssh-users mailing list if you want help using either Net::SFTP or Net::SSH: http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/net-ssh-users)

So, in lieu of real documentation, here are a few usage examples:

1. Transfering a remote file to the local filesystem:

   require 'net/sftp'

   Net::SFTP.start( 'remote.host' ) do |sftp|
     handle = sftp.open( "/path/to/remote/file.txt" )
     contents = sftp.read( handle )
     sftp.close_handle( handle )

     File.open( "/path/to/local/file.txt ) { |f| f.write contents }

   (Yes, I know the "open" should mimic the transactional interface provided by, for instance, File, but it can't right now. A later release will provide a #open_handle convenience method for doing that.)

2. Transfering a local file to the remote file system:

   require 'net/sftp'

   Net::SFTP.start( 'remote.host' ) do |sftp|
     contents = File.read( "/path/to/local/file.txt" )

     handle = sftp.open( "/path/to/remote/file.txt",
       IO::WRITE | IO::CREAT )
     contents = sftp.write( handle, contents )
     sftp.close_handle( handle )

3. Getting a list of the contents of a remote directory:

   require 'net/sftp'

   Net::SFTP.start( 'remote.host' ) do |sftp|
     handle = sftp.opendir( "/path/to/remote/dir" )
     sftp.readdir( handle ).each { |item| puts item.filename }
     sftp.close_handle( handle )

4. Querying (for instance) the size of a remote file:

   require 'net/sftp'

   Net::SFTP.start( 'remote.host' ) do |sftp|
     size = sftp.stat( "/path/to/remote/file.txt" ).size

5. Creating and remove a remote directory:

   require 'net/sftp'

   Net::SFTP.start( 'remote.host' ) do |sftp|
     sftp.mkdir( "/path/to/remote/directory", :permissions => 0660 )
     sftp.rmdir( "/path/to/remote/directory )

6. Changing the user and/or owner of a file:

   require 'net/sftp'

   Net::SFTP.start( 'remote.host' ) do |sftp|
     sftp.setstat( "/path/to/file.txt",
  :uid => 1001,
         :gid => 100 )

   (Yah, that's kind of nasty, how it uses the id numbers directly, but that's the way the SFTP protocol does it, prior to version 4, and all SFTP servers that I know of only support up to version 3.)

Anyway, there are more examples in the 'examples' subdirectory of the distribution. Enjoy!

- Jamis


Jamis Buck