Home: http://nntp.rubyforge.org/
Download: http://rubyforge.org/projects/nntp/
I wrote a small NNTP class a couple of years ago, as part of the first
generation backend to newzbin.com; for XOVER, it built a custom Struct
from the "LIST OVERVIEW.FMT" command so you actually got a useful data
structure from the XOVER, with field names etc according to the exact
format the server used. Also, since XOVERs can get very, very big (on
the order of hundreds of MB), it took a block and acted as an iterator
rather than returning a big array of structs.
NP, I'm open to all such feedback. We can modify XOVER, if the need arises. I even welcome you join me.
I never bothered documenting it very well, nor did I ever release it,
but it worked quite nicely while we used it, even if it was written when
I was a n00b
Wow! me too am just a newbie in the OOP domain and Ruby itself, though I remained a hardcore teacher and programmer during my days. At one time we (I and a two other friends of mine, one of them 'Darshie' now employed with Infogain Inc, USA, other one 'Vipin' with Infosys Inc, USA) were planning to write a good book on _Fundamentals of Programming_, but as both of these left for America me too dropped that idea. Moreover, I after completing my M.D. (Alternative Medicine) switched over to medical practice in 1994.
I'm so found of computing, Internet and, or programming that I could not stop reading and, or learning about new programming languages and, or technologies (the list of programming languages I learned and taught, is long enough to be mentioned over here).
Anyway, me once again welcome you, my friend!
On 05/15/2005 05:17 AM, Thomas Hurst wrote:
* Dr Balwinder S Dheeman (bsd.SANSPAM@cto.homelinux.net) wrote:
Dr Balwinder Singh Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
CLLO (Chief Linux Learning Officer) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Anu's Linux@HOME Distros: Ubuntu, Fedora, Knoppix
More: http://anu.homelinux.net/~bsd/ Visit: http://counter.li.org/