thread and process safe non-blocking fifos for ruby.
when using fifos from ruby threads it is extremely easy to block the entire
process via some operation done on a fifo such as opening it or
reading/writing to/from it. rbfifo.rb is a proof-of-concept class showing
how fifos can be used from a ruby multi-threaded process in a way that
ensures no threaded operation will block the entire process. as an added
benefit the nbfifo class sets up fifos in such a way that they are durable
across process invocations so that a server may leave a connection open
while clients come and go and clients do not even block waiting for a server
to be on the other end of a fifo opened for writing. another feature is
that an eof signal can be sent down the fifo to signal end-of-file to
clients, who will have EOFError raised in there code, however they can
catch this error and simply reset the fifo to begin reading again. the
relationship of readers and writers is such that they may even exist in
the same process without deadlocking.
opening a fifo in 'r+' mode do not block as opening them with only 'r' or
'w' does. nbfifo opens all fifos in this way to avoid blocking a process on
an open. the reading and writing protocol 'blocks' in the sense that the
application does not need to handle EAGAIN or some such but not in a way
that blocks an entire process - the blocking is thread local. therefore all
one need do to accomplish non-blocking io is operate in ruby threads (which
are normally quite prone to a process-blocking operation killing all
the writing is done as follows:
- never write more than PIPE_MAX bytes at a time to ensure atomicity. you
don't worry about this - data is chunked by the api for you.
- each msg is preceded by a byte indicating it's length. the length plus
the msg is less that PIPE_MAX when combined.
- select is called before writing
- when select returns the msg is sent
the reading is done as follows:
- select is called to avoid reading 'no-data'. when pipes are opened in
'r+' mode a blind read with no data waiting will return the emtpy string
("") and the application would end up busy-looping on this value unless
select is used.
- when select returns the number of bytes is read. then the message is
here's the producer process:
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > cat producer.rb
require 'nbfifo'
STDOUT.sync = true
$VERBOSE = nil
# die nicely on getchar
trap('INT'){ exit }
Thread::new(){ Thread::main.exit if select [STDIN]}
# this guy will stay running
Thread::new{ loop{ puts "random producer thread stays running..."; sleep 1 }}
# loop doing an open, which does not block, and the sending two virtual
# doccuments down the pipe but following the first with eof
loop do
Thread::new do
nbfifo = NBFifo::new 'fifo'
2.times{ nbfifo.send Time::now; sleep 1 }
2.times{ nbfifo.send Time::now; sleep 1 }
here's the concumer process
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > cat consumer.rb
require 'nbfifo'
STDOUT.sync = true
$VERBOSE = nil
# die nicely on getchar
trap('INT'){ exit }
Thread::new(){ Thread::main.exit if select [STDIN]}
# this guy will stay running
Thread::new{ loop{ puts "random consumer thread stays running..."; sleep 1 }}
# just loop opening fifo, which does not block, and reading whatever data
# can be read until end-of-file is hit. when it is reset and go again
loop do
Thread::new do
nbfifo = NBFifo::new 'fifo'
2.times{ puts nbfifo.recv }
rescue EOFError
running the consumer
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > ruby consumer.rb
random consumer thread stays running...
Fri Sep 23 15:35:31 MDT 2005
Fri Sep 23 15:35:32 MDT 2005
random consumer thread stays running...
Fri Sep 23 15:35:35 MDT 2005
running the producer
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > sleep 3; ruby producer.rb
random producer thread stays running...
running the consumer after killing it
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > ruby consumer.rb
random consumer thread stays running...
Fri Sep 23 15:43:15 MDT 2005
Fri Sep 23 15:43:17 MDT 2005
random consumer thread stays running...
Fri Sep 23 15:43:26 MDT 2005
note that killing the consumer and restarting did not affect the producer at
all. this is quite different than the way normal fifo operation is - in that
case the reader must always open the fifo after a writer is on the other end
and a writer - even if opening using O_NONBLOCK will explode if no reader is
on the other end. using this method neither open (on either end) will block
but subsequent reads/writes will, but in a way that blocks only thread and not
the entire process. in fact, you can easily open up a fifo for reading and
writing in the same process, regardless of the order they are opened, and
easily write well behaved threads that use this channel to communicate:
running a producer and consumer at once
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > cat producer_and_consumer.rb
require 'nbfifo'
STDOUT.sync = true
$VERBOSE = nil
trap('INT'){ exit }
Thread::new(){ Thread::main.exit if select [STDIN]}
producer =
Thread::new do
nbfifo = NBFifo::new 'fifo'
loop{ nbfifo.send Time::now; sleep 1 }
consumer =
Thread::new do
nbfifo = NBFifo::new 'fifo'
loop{ puts nbfifo.recv }
jib:~/eg/ruby/nbfifo/nbfifo-0.0.0 > ruby producer_and_consumer.rb
Fri Sep 23 15:47:13 MDT 2005
Fri Sep 23 15:47:14 MDT 2005
Fri Sep 23 15:47:15 MDT 2005
Fri Sep 23 15:47:16 MDT 2005
Fri Sep 23 15:47:17 MDT 2005
note that this program would deadlock instantly using fifos in the normal way
('r', or 'w') and would blow up with Errno::ENXIO if File::NONBLOCK were
specified to the open and the writer thread attempted the open before the
reader. the other issue with using File::NONBLOCK for fifos is that reads
give the empty string ("") whether we're at the end-of-file or if there is
simply no data and we're forced into a busy loop.
like all my code these days - this is experimental. you io gurus out there
will no doubt have comments and, for you, this process may seem easy (that's
you tanaka) but it was giving me fits so i decided to wrap it up.
i've run the code on linux only. i'd be grateful for some bsd and solaris
testers. also, i played around with gunwin32 utils (for mkfifo) on windows
and couldn't get it worked - but it was close. please contact me off/online
if you have helpful info in this area.
say you were writing a fastcgi replacement and wanted a multi-threaded pure
ruby server which could handled multiple incming requests without blocking
the entire process opening/reading/writing to/from fifos. then you'll
really need something like this.
email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna