I’ve just finished my first general-purpose Ruby class, MutableTime.
You can read the RDocs for it at http://phrogz.net/RubyLibs/ (and you
can download it from the link at the bottom of the page for the
MutableTime.rb file)
What is MutableTime? It arose out of my desire for a Date/Time class in
Ruby that behaves like the Date object in JS. From the MutableTime docs:
The MutableTime class behaves much like the builtin Time class, except:
almost any property can be changed, e.g.
mmTime = MutableTime.new
mmTime.year = 1973
mmTime.month += 13 -
by default, month numbers start at 0 instead of 1
see monthsStartAtZero? -
you can choose if the first day of the week is Sunday or Monday
see weekStartsOnMonday? -
it has convenience methods named similar to JavaScripts Date object
fullYear, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds -
customFormat is slightly more powerful than Time#strftime
you can easily internationalize the month and day names
(without editing the source code for the class)
Please try it out and tell me what you think.
Also…what’s the standard protocol for releasing new classes like this?
Is there somewhere that I should upload the .rb file to? Somewhere other
than here that I should announce it?
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