[ANN] Munich.rb (Munich, Germany) meets on Saturday 15th July

The Munich Ruby User Group meets on Saturday 15th July at 7PM at Ristorante Michelangelo[1]. If all goes according to plan Austin Ziegler will be in Munich at that time and join us.

Every Rubyist and everyone interested in Ruby is invited to come. Of course you can be spontaneous and decide on Saturday if you want to come but we would appreciate to know if you are coming so we can arrange for a table big enough.

If there a several big groups in the restaurant at that time just search for a guy wearing a black T-Shirt writing "Munich.rb" on it. If you want such a T-Shirt too you can get them at the Munich.rb Spreadshop[2]. Please be aware that my design skills are rather limited and that I was just trying out creating a shop on my own.

[1] http://stadtbranchenbuch-muenchen.de/detail.php?template=./template/frontend/detail/index.tpl&main:id=933620
[2] https://www.spreadshirt.net/shop.php?sid=155163

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