[ANN] minitest-excludes 1.0.0 Released

minitest-excludes version 1.0.0 has been released!

* <https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest-excludes>

minitest/excludes.rb extends MiniTest::Unit::TestCase to provide a
clean API for excluding certain tests you don't want to run under
certain conditions.


### 1.0.0 / 2011-12-20

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Split minitest/excludes.rb out to its own gem. (aka Birthday)

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Don't keep using the env var, since bad tests may modify ENV w/o restoring it. (headius)
  * Map X::Y to X/Y.rb for excludes to deal with nested test classes.
  * Remove method instead of generating a skip to avoid setup/teardown overhead.