[ANN] MiniExiftool 0.4.0 released

MiniExiftool version 0.3.0 released!


MiniExiftool is a wrapper library for the Exiftool command-line
application (www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) written by Phil
Harvay. One of the completest tool for reading and writing meta
informations (EXIF, IPTC, XMP) on image files which supports many file
formats including raw formats.

gem install mini_exiftool

or alternative download the tarball and run
ruby setup config
ruby setup setup
sudo ruby setup install


- MiniExiftool::Error inherits now from StandardError
- Alternative installation via setup.rb
- Bugfix
  Saving of non-readed tags doesn't work with tags with hyphen
  Thanks to Robin Romahn for reporting the bug
- New methods: MiniExiftool.all_tags and MiniExiftool.original_tag
- Original tag names (all and writable) are now saved via pstore in a
  file for better performance