[ANN] MiniExiftool 0.2.0 released

MiniExiftool version 0.2.0 released!


MiniExiftool is a wrapper library for the Exiftool command-line
application (www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) written by Phil
Harvay. One of the completest tool for reading and writing meta
informations (EXIF, IPTC, XMP) on image files which supports many file
formats including raw formats.

- Better error handling (i.e. error messages)
- Checking if the exiftool command can be executed at loading the lib
- New class methods
  MiniExiftool.exiftool_version, MiniExiftool.writable_tags
- Bugfix for Windows (Tempfile)
  Thanks to Jérome Soika for testing
- Regexes a little bit optimized
- More tests