[ANN] Melbourne ruby meetup: 29th August

Hi Melbourne (Australia) Rubyists,

Here are the details of this month's meetup, the venue is kindly
provided by Thoughtworks.

Time: 6pm


Level 11, 155 Queen Street
(map and more details at: http://www.thoughtworks.com/melbourneInfo.html)


Doors open 6pm.
Thoughtworks is providing some food (pizza or something).

Down to business...

Everyone gets a chance to introduce themselves and plug their
favourite ruby company/project/whatever.

Analog Blog:
Come prepared to bring your latest news headlines for the ruby/rails
world. We use our high tech news aggregator (a whiteboard and pen) to
produce a feed of all the exciting things that have been happening in
the ruby and rails world in the last month. Our high tech delivery
method (someone writing everything down) will wing this info back to
this list for later digestion (and ideas for next months talks).

Short Talk 1:
Craig Ambrose. Rails engines: "Why they don't suck as much as DHH
might think". How to use them to remove duplication between
applications and to integrate third party software for greater

Short Talk 2:
This slot is open. Please volunteer. No experience necessary.

Wrap Up
Anyone not falling asleep or bored to tears at this point may wish to
join me for a couple of beers.

That's it. Hope to see you all there, and a big thank you to
Thoughtworks for providing the venue.



Matt Pattison

PS - if you aren't already subscribed, check out the melbourne-ruby
mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/melbourne-ruby


Date: Tuesday 29th August

Anyone know of a similarly inclined group closer to Brisbane?

check out the Brisbane Ruby Brigade: http://ruby.meetup.com/74/

they're having a meetup tonight: http://ruby.meetup.com/74/events/


On 8/22/06, Mozman <mjosborne1@gmail.com> wrote:

Anyone know of a similarly inclined group closer to Brisbane?