[ANN] mechanize 0.6.10 Released

mechanize version 0.6.10 has been released!

* <http://mechanize.rubyforge.org/>

The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites.
Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects,
can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and
submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as
a history.


# Mechanize CHANGELOG

## 0.6.10

* Made digest authentication work with POSTs.
* Made sure page was HTML before following meta refreshes.
* Made sure that URLS with a host and no path would default to '/' for history
* Avoiding memory leaks with transact. Thanks Tobias Gruetzmacher!
* Fixing a problem with # signs in the file name. Thanks Tobias Gruetzmacher!
* Made sure that blank form values are submitted.
* Mechanize now respects the base tag. Thanks Stephan Dale.
* Aliasing inspect to pretty_inspect. Thanks Eric Promislow.

* <http://mechanize.rubyforge.org/>


Aaron Patterson