From: Brian Candler
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 3:29 AM
but actually it’s not compatible with Marshal, because:
- you can’t pass an IO object to load, it must be a string
Sorry I was wrong, it takes an IO object quite happily
You don’t have to apologies about it. I added
SOAP::Marshal.(dump|load) after releasing
(but I
can’t see
easily whether it reads the whole thing, or reads it in chunks)
Depends on XML processor. If I understand correctly,
recent XML processors support stream reading.
- you can’t pass an IO object as the second parameter to dump
(it takes a mappingRegistry instead)
I can’t see how to get around that one though.
In CVS version, it should be supported as well.
// NaHi
Back to the topic, though I know nothing about Preveyler
now, SOAP can be used for the serialization format or not,
depends on Preveyler’s Data model. SOAP Data Model is
“graph of typed node”. Table data model does not fit SOAP.
Well, neither Prevayler nor Madeleine really have a data model. That’s
part of the beauty of it all.
// NaHi
— “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com wrote:
Anders Bengtsson ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se
Stockholm, Sweden
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Something like this should work.
Dir["*gz].each{ |f| gtar -xzf #{f} && rm #{f}
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 04:22:45AM +0900, Mark Wilson wrote:
Just a note.
In the past day or two I’ve started to use irb as a shell to work in,
and it’s very helpful, although not earth-shattering.
For example, I did the following in irb to unzip a bunch of files in my
working directory:
system(“ls *gz > list”)
b.each { |f| system(“gtar -zxf #{f}”) }
b.each { |f| system(“rm -rf #{f}”) }
I think this could be done with an ordinary shell, using xargs maybe,
but I know how to do it in Ruby. If you have a more elegant way to
write the Ruby lines, let me know. Looking at it, I can see that if I
remembered the directory methods I could make the first 3 lines one
system(“ls *gz > list”)
b = Dir[“*gz”]
b.each { |f| system(“rm -rf #{f}”) }
require ‘ftools’
b.each { |f| system(“gtar -zxf #{f}”) }
Although this isn’t concerned with Ruby, you don’t need loop:
$ zcat *gz | gtar -xif -
At Tue, 18 Mar 2003 04:22:45 +0900, Mark Wilson wrote:
Nobu Nakada
Another way:
b = IO.popen(“ls *gz”,“r”).readlines # ,“r” is optional
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 04:22:45AM +0900, Mark Wilson wrote:
system(“ls *gz > list”)
From: Anders Bengtsson
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 7:28 PM
Back to the topic, though I know nothing about Preveyler
now, SOAP can be used for the serialization format or not,
depends on Preveyler’s Data model. SOAP Data Model is
“graph of typed node”. Table data model does not fit SOAP.
Well, neither Prevayler nor Madeleine really have a data model.
Oops. I’m very very sorry. I must wrote “Madeleine”.
That’s part of the beauty of it all.
Excellent. I’ll look into Madeleine.
// NaHi
Ah, so the parameter “str” stands for “stream” and not “string”
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 07:18:03PM +0900, NAKAMURA, Hiroshi wrote:
(but I
can’t see
easily whether it reads the whole thing, or reads it in chunks)
Depends on XML processor. If I understand correctly,
recent XML processors support stream reading.
Don’t worry 'bout it, almost all reasoning around Prevayler can be
applied to Madeleine, and vice versa.
— “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nakahiro@sarion.co.jp wrote:
Well, neither Prevayler nor Madeleine really have a data model.
Oops. I’m very very sorry. I must wrote “Madeleine”.
Anders Bengtsson ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se
Stockholm, Sweden
Gå före i kön och få din sajt värderad på nolltid med Yahoo! Express
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