Is LSRC 6 Sold Out Yet??
No, not yet.
But more importantly, early bird pricing ends Sunday July 15.
<insert car salesman voice>
Get your ticket this week and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE.
</insert car salesman voice>
The Lone Star Ruby Conference is being held Aug 9-11
in Austin, TX, at Norris Conference Center.
LSRC 6 has a spectacular speaker lineup and six,
full-day, training classes to choose from. We also have
a bonus 'mobile' track on Friday.
Register now to take advantage of the
savings and secure your seat at LSRC 6!
Uncle Bob Martin
Intro to Rails
Intro to Backbone.js
Ruby Off Rails
Ruby Derailed: Tricks, Idioms, and Experiments in Application Development
Ops for Developers
Adhearsion: Beginning - Advanced
View the full schedule at
Early bird pricing is now in effect and will last
through July 15. Standard pricing will start July 16,
and will be as follows:
= Standard Pricing
$275 - Conference Only
$475 - Conference + Training
I hope to see you in Austin at LSRC 6!
Jim Freeze & LSRC Team
Lone Star Ruby Foundation
PS: All LSRC talks and training are gluten free.
PPS: No Java developers were harmed in the creation of this conference.
PPPS: Oh snap, Matz is back!