Greetings from Austin - Home of the Lone Star Ruby Conference.
This year we are catering to your every desire. In addition to the
customary luxuries you have come to expect at LSRC, like the awesome food
or the power strips at every table for your hungry laptops, this year you
will also be greeted with:
* the new conference center sound system.
* bagels, yogurt, fruit and donuts for every breakfast
* sodas for the morning break!
* extra wifi access points
* 15/2 internet service
* 100 extra seats designed to be more comfy for know
* and did I mention sodas in the AM? You betcha.
It's going to be a great conference. Come to learn more about Ruby.
Come to meet Matz. Come to get a job from one of our sponsors. Yes,
companies are hiring and will be at LSRC looking for Ruby and Rails programmers!
It's going to be a great conference this year and we hope you can join us.
See you in Austin in August!
Jim Freeze
Lone Star Ruby Foundation, President
PS: The Lone Star Ruby Conference is being held in Austin, TX on Aug 27-29.
PPS: Late registration pricing begins the evening of August 10.
PPPS: Late registration pricing begins Monday night.
PPPPS: Late registration pricing begins tomorrow!