[ANN] Lone Star Ruby Conference 2008 - Registration Now Open

The second annual Lone Star Ruby Conference is heating up and right
around the corner, running for three days, September 4-6 in Austin, TX.


The Lone Star Ruby Conference is dedicated to promoting and teaching
about the Ruby Programming Language. Whether you are interested in
Web or GUI frameworks, Databases or Embedded Applications, if it
involves Ruby, then you may find it at LSRC. LSRC is dedicated to
bringing you the best of what the Ruby community has to offer.

This year LSRC offers a full day of advanced training on Thursday in
addition to the two days of Ruby-packed, dual-tract speaking sessions
on Friday and Saturday, along with a keynote by Evan Phoenix[1], the
father of Rubinius[2].

And as if that wasn't enough, the author of Ruby,
Yukihiro Matsumoto[3] (a.k.a. Matz), will be keynoting the conference.
This is your opportunity to hear from the author of Ruby, to ask
him questions, and to hang out for a few days with one of the
greatest language designers around.

= Registration

REGISTRATION is NOW OPEN[4]. Early registration ENDS
Sunday, August 10! Be sure to register while there
are still seats remaining.


= Checkout some LSRC 2008 Sessions

* The Next Ruby
* Ruby Best Practice Patterns
* Tactical Design
* Javascript frameworks with Ruby
* Creating Desktop Applications with Ruby on Mac OS X
* Building and Managing a Ruby Infrastructure


As you can see from the above speaker samplng, LSRC is
destined to be a highlight for your Ruby experiences
this year.

We hope to see you in Austin in September!


Jim Freeze
Lone Star Ruby Foundation, President

[1] http://blog.fallingsnow.net
[2] http://rubini.us/
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukihiro_Matsumoto
[4] http://LoneStarRubyConf.com/registration.html