[ANN] Log4r 1.0.4 and update on adopting log4r

Oh no, just when I wanted to quit this popsicle stand, I get sucked back in!
I can’t stop developing, so here’s Log4r 1.0.4. :slight_smile:

  • Actually install syslogoutputter.rb
  • Some updates to rollingfileoutputter.rb
  • Even more docs

To all those who expressed interest in taking over maintenance,

I was inspired by the number of people who actually use log4r and don’t want
to see it die. I’ve never had much feedback, but that’s probably a side effect
of log4r being such a well writen package. :wink: Because of this, and a
re-discovery of how fun it is to code in Ruby, I had a change of heart;
I am now willing to keep working on log4r.

However, I will still need help because log4r is growing. So those of you who
emailed me about adopting Log4r, please let me know if you’re still willing
to help take care of log4r. There will be a remote CVS repository, so a
knowledge of or a desire to learn CVS would be desirable. I’ll also jump
start the log4r mailing list at sourceforge, which will be (in 24 hrs):


Please get a SF account if you wish to help, and let me know your handle.

Thanks to the Ruby community!
Leon Torres

Argh, this is an example of why I need help. :slight_smile:

Log4r is on the RAA list

Homepage: http://log4r.sourceforge.net/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=43396