[ANN] kramdown 1.0.2 released

## About kramdown

kramdown (sic, not Kramdown or KramDown, just kramdown) is a *free*
GPL-licensed [Ruby](http://www.ruby-lang.org) library for parsing a
superset of Markdown. It is completely written in Ruby, supports
standard Markdown (with some minor modifications) and various
extensions that have been made popular by the PHP Markdown Extra
package and Maruku.

Homepage for installation instructions and documentation:

## kramdown 1.1.0 released

This is just an incremental release bringing two new features and
several bug fixes.

## Changes

* 2 minor changes:

  - Footnote markers can now be repeated (resolves [GH#62] and [GH#63]
    by Theodore Pak who provided the initial patch)
  - The LaTeX acronym package is now used for abbreviations (resolves
    [GH#55] by Tim Besard who provided the initial patch)

* 3 bug fixes:

  - Fixed [GH#60]: Numbers are now recognized in addition to word
    characters when converting underscores (patch by Trevor Wennblom)
  - Fixed [GH#66]: HTML elements `<i>`, `<b>`, `<em>` and `<strong>`
    are now converted correctly by the LaTeX converter (patch by Henning
  - Fixed [GH#57]: Better smart quote handling when underscores are
    directly after or before quotation marks

[GH#60]: https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown/pull/60
[GH#66]: https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown/pull/66
[GH#63]: https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown/pull/63
[GH#62]: https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown/issues/62
[GH#55]: https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown/pull/55
[GH#57]: https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown/issues/57