[ANN] JRuby Released

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby

   - Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
   - Download: http://www.jruby.org/download

JRuby 9000 is the newest major version of JRuby, representing years of
effort and large-scale reboots of several JRuby subsystems. It is expected
to be compatible with Ruby 2.x and stay in sync with C Ruby. JRuby
is our latest release…

Major features of JRuby 9000:

    Ruby 2.x compatibility
    A new optimizing runtime based on a traditional compiler design
    New POSIX-friendly IO and Process
    Fully ported encoding/transcoding logic from MRI

If you do find issues then report them on using our issue tracker at
http://bugs.jruby.org. We also encourage users to join our IRC channel
(#jruby on Freenode) and mailing lists. You may also follow @jruby on
Twitter for updates.


   - FFI memory leak regression fixed
   - File.symlink regression on windows fixed
   - 27 issues fixed for

Github Issues resolved for

    #4669 - File.symlink broken on windows
    #4664 - Line numbers in backtrace with multiline method invocation are
sometimes different from CRuby
    #4663 - JRuby raises 'syntax error, unexpected kDO_BLOCK' where MRI
does not
    #4662 - LoadError with compiled multi-byte constant
    #4661 - missing throw statements on ffi callback
    #4658 - __dir__ won't work with embed paths such as uri:classloader:
    #4657 - Make Time#utc and #localtime raise RuntimeError when the object
is frozen
    #4656 - SecureRandom update to match Ruby 2.3
    #4655 - Time#utc and #localtime can mutate a frozen object
    #4647 - help classpath: canonicalization on Windows to fully resolve
    #4646 - try harder to avoid long overflow in Time#+ (fixes #1779)
    #4642 - Fix missing callMethod override
    #4641 - NPE when printing a variable in a view
    #4639 - Fix Module inclusion order
    #4638 - Also fix EMSGSIZE on Alpine Linux. Relates to #4606
    #4636 - Implement Zlib::GzipReader #ungetbyte and #ungetc
    #4631 - Zlib::GzipReader does not support #ungetc or #ungetbyte
    #4630 - Jarified app breaks with `uri:classloader:BY\` on Windows with
    #4625 - FFI memory leak regression
    #4618 - Fix Float::INFINITY BigDecimal comparison
    #4612 - REGRESSION - File.realpath fails on classpath paths
    #4611 - [Q] __dir__ variable in jar file.
    #4608 - Fix UDPSocket#(send|write) to raise EMSGSIZE
    #4607 - SecureRandom.random_number doesn't accept a range
    #4572 - Can't compare BigDecimal with Float::INFINITY got
FloatDomainError: NaN
    #1938 - Reincluded modules do not splice changes into hierarchy in the
correct order
    #1779 - Time.now + bignum incorrect


blog: http://blog.enebo.com twitter: tom_enebo
mail: tom.enebo@gmail.com