[ANN] johnson 2.0.0 prerelease 0

johnson version 2.0.0.pre0 has been released!

* <http://github.com/jbarnette/johnson>
* <http://groups.google.com/group/johnson-talk>

Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript runtime as a C extension.

This prerelese is the first to include TraceMonkey, the evolution of SpiderMonkey, which includes among other things a trace-based JIT compiler for JavaScript.

Since it's a pre-release, you need to give gem the --prerelease flag to install it, i.e.,

  gem install johnson --prerelease

Because it's a prerelease gem, you may need to manually install gem dependencies. The gem install will tell you if you need to.

The prerelease code is in the unstable branch of the git repo.


=== 2.0.0.pre0 / 2010-02-04

* Pass exceptions unmolested, with full backtraces.
* support E4X objects, at least as generic objects
* add suport for passing global to #compile and scope to #evaluate
* add support for spidermonkey split global objects
* integrate spidermonkey/tracemonkey from FireFox 3.5 build (includes JIT)