[ANN] Happy Birthday, Ruby, and an announcement

You could be right. I was just sorta thinking out loud there. In any case,
I don’t think supporting large projects necessarily excludes supporting
small ones.




-----Original Message-----
From: Joel VanderWerf [mailto:vjoel@PATH.Berkeley.EDU]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 2:54 PM
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Subject: Re: [ANN] Happy Birthday, Ruby, and an announcement…

Berger, Daniel wrote:

In some ways this would be analogous to the Perl
Foundation. However,
I think that giving all the money to one or two folks, as the Perl
Foundation did, would be a mistake for the Ruby community. Ruby is
behind Perl in the package/module race, and I think would
benefit from
a large number of smaller projects than hardcore
development of one or
two large projects (with the possible exception of
Cardinal). At this
point in time, at least.

Seems to me the small projects are going to get developed as
people need
them. What may need more funding are the quantum leaps, like
and especially rite.

Berger, Daniel wrote:

You could be right. I was just sorta thinking out loud there. In any case,
I don’t think supporting large projects necessarily excludes supporting
small ones.

True, and I guess “small” is pretty subjective anyway. :slight_smile: