[ANN] gmailer 0.1.0

GMailer 0.1.0 Released



This is the 0.1.0 release of GMailer by Park Heesob.
This is a class library for interface to Google's webmail service.

What is GMailer?

GMailer can fetch mails, save attachements, get cotact lists, invite someone
or send message with file attachments. It provides edit methods for labels,
preferece settings, starring and archiving message.

What's new in this release?

Remove all hash return values.
Add some classes like Contact, Filter, Box, Converation.
Now all return value is Class or Array of classes.
Add msg method for message based operation.
Add each and each_msg method for MessageList.

Thanks Daniel Schierbeck and Gavin!

How to use GMailer?
Sample usage:

require 'gmailer'

GMailer.connect(name,pwd) do |g|
  g.messages(:label=>"my_label") do |ml|
        puts "Total # of conversations of my_label = " + ml.total.to_s

  #get contact
  g.fetch(:contact=>"freq").each do |contact|
    puts "Name: #{contact.name} Email: #{contact.email}"

  #send message
  # 'From' default gmail.com account
    :to => "who@what.com, my_friend@his_company.com, god@heaven.org",
    :cc => "foo@bar.com",
    :subject => "Hello There!",
    :body => "Hi...\n\nBlah blah blah~...",
    :files => ["./my_pic.jpg", "./my_cv.txt"])

  # multiple verified email addresses and choose one 'From:' email address
    :from => "verified@email.com",
    :to => "who@what.com, my_friend@his_company.com, god@heaven.org",
    :cc => "foo@bar.com",
    :subject => "Hello There!",
    :body => "Hi...\n\nBlah blah blah~...",
    :files => ["./my_pic.jpg", "./my_cv.txt"])

  # update_preference
    :signature=>'This is a signature',
    :display_name=>'Display Name')

  # get preference
  pref = g.preference
  puts "Language:#{pref.display_language}, Page Size:#{pref.max_page_size}"

  #creating new labels

  #renaming existing labels

  #deleting labels

  #applying a label to a message

  # message id based operation
  g.msg(msgid) {|m|

   #applying a label to a message

   #removing a label from a message

   #apply star to a message

   #remove star from a message

   #archive a message

   #unarchive a message

   #mark a message as read

   #mark a message as unread

   #report a message as not spam

   #report a message as not spam

   #move a message to trash

   #move a message from trash to inbox

   #delete a message forever

   #show original message

  #get labels
  labels = g.labels

  #get messages list
  g.messages(:label=>labels[0]).each {|m|
     puts "Subject: #{m.subject}" if m.new?

  #get inbox messages list
  g.messages(:standard=>'inbox').each {|m|
     puts "Subject: #{m.subject}" if m.new?

  # fetch each converation with filter :read or :star
  g.messages(:standard=>'all',:read=>false).each_msg {|msg|
     # operations on the message

     puts "subject: " + msg.subject
     puts "from: " + msg.sender
     puts msg.body
     puts msg.original



Park Heesob

This little project of yours is growing fast! This is great!


I'm not up on the gmail spec. Can this be used to implement something
similar to gmailfs in ruby?


On 9/12/05, Park Heesob <phasis@bcline.com> wrote:

GMailer 0.1.0 Released

Park Heesob wrote:

GMailer 0.1.0 Released

This is the 0.1.0 release of GMailer by Park Heesob.
This is a class library for interface to Google's webmail service.

What is GMailer?

GMailer can fetch mails, save attachements, get cotact lists, invite someone
or send message with file attachments. It provides edit methods for labels,
preferece settings, starring and archiving message.

What's new in this release?

Remove all hash return values.
Add some classes like Contact, Filter, Box, Converation.
Now all return value is Class or Array of classes.
Add msg method for message based operation.
Add each and each_msg method for MessageList.

I've found all sorts of neat uses for this code. Thanks!

But, recent releases have broken stuff. I used to be able to instantiate individual GMailer objects. That no longer works; it seems the GMailer object has been replaced with a collection of procedures hung together on a module namespace.

The examples suggest that I need to pass around user names and password for each gmail action my code works with, rather than instantiating a self-contained GMailer object for any number of different accounts, which can be passed around to other objects that need not know the details of the account, just that responds to the GMailer API.

BTW, the docs at


describe assorted GMailer.new methods, but none seem to work for me:

undefined method `new' for GMailer:Module (NoMethodError)

Anyways, I can, I suppose, wrap the global method calls in some container object in the meantime.





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