Glimmer (DSL Framework for Ruby GUI and More) version 2.7.8 & 2.7.9 have been released.
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Change Log
- Optimize performance of Glimmer::DataBinding::ObservableModel#add_observer by removing OpenStruct constant check.
Allow passing BindExpression only 1 argument (e.g. presenter.todos) or 1 argument + 1 hash (e.g. presenter.todos, on_read: → {})
ObserveExpression always uses ModelBinding for arguments to leverage its advanced features, like nested/computed/indexed/keyed data-binding
In Opal, ModelBinding converters/hooks do not require an argument anymore (e.g. can invoke after_write: → { do_something } without block args)
Fix issue whereby observing model, :collection was not firing on collection changes, but observing model.collection was firing on collection changes (now both fire on collection changes)