[ANN] gchart 0.5.0 Released

gchart version 0.5.0 has been released!

GChart exposes the Google Chart API
(http://code.google.com/apis/chart) via a friendly Ruby interface. It
can generate the URL for a given chart (for webpage use), or download
the generated PNG (for offline use).

* <http://gchart.rubyforge.org>

## 0.5.0 (2008-05-11)

  * Support for Map charts [Mark Thomas]
  * Support for Sparkline charts [Mark Thomas]
  * Initial support for Google-o-meter [Mark Thomas]
  * Implemented both background solid fill and chart area solid fill.
  * Added color aliasing: 3-character colors and a COLORS table.
  * Full support for axis labels.
  * Implemented horizontal/vertical range markers.
  * New committer, Jim Ludwig.
  * Freeze GChart::VERSION.

~ j.