== What is it?
Game. Clone of Lost Vikings written in Ruby.
== URL
== Summary of new features in this release:
- user's configuration file
- select campaign in menu (you can forget option -l)
- in-game menu with option to restart level
- four possible placements of status panel
- double-click on item in inventory uses it
- you can change default order of vikings
- Lock disappears when it is unlocked (like in Lost Vikings)
- Bear kills vikings a bit slower than before
- two new graphics: replacement for old 'kill-toy' (item which kills
monsters instantly) and animated trash in status panel
- symbol on the trash rotates if an item is dropped in
== Looking for programmer(s?)
If you like programming useless software in Ruby, you have a great opportunity
to join development of freeVikings.
Skills needed: a bit of basic Ruby knowledge, desire to program monsters,
Reward: your name will appear in freeVikings credits and people
all over the world will admire your monsters
class OldHugeDragon < Sprite
include Monster
include Sleeper
def initialize(position)
@energy = 150
def update
return if sleeping?
if see_vikings? then