I’m currently forming the Atlanta Ruby User Group (AtlRUG) and I wanted
to let everyone know about it. I have a line on a meeting place and I am
targeting the forth Tuesday of each month, with our first meeting on
February 24. If you are interested, I have a very basic web page setup
with info on the announcements mailing list. Sign up for the list and
I’ll follow up with details as they become available. That URL is
I announced this group at the Tuesday meeting of the Atlanta Java User
Group and I had five people approach me afterwards expressing interest
and wanting more info. That was more than I expected (five more,
actually), which was encouraging.
If you are interested, sign up for the announcements list
(atlrug-announce-subscribe@yahoogroups.com) or you can email me directly
for more details (such as I have).
Never trust a girl with your mother’s cow,
never let your trousers go falling down in the green grass…
Atlanta Ruby User Group: http://www.AtlRUG.org