[ANN] Erubis 2.4.1 released - a fast and extensible eRuby implementation

Hi all,

I have released Erubis 2.4.1.
Erubis is another eRuby implementation which is very fast and
extensible than ERB and eruby.

This is a bugfix release.


    - |
      Add new section 'evaluate(context) v.s. result(binding)' to
user's guide.
      This section describes why Erubis::Eruby#evaluate(context) is
      rather than Erubis::Eruby#result(binding).
      User's Guide > Other Topics > evaluate(context) v.s.

    - |
      Add new command-line property '--docwrite={true|false}' to
      If this property is true then 'document.write(_buf.join(""));'
is used
      as postamble and if it is false then '_buf.join("")' is used.
      Default is true for compatibility reason but it will be false in
      future release.
      (This feature was proposed by D.Dribin. Thank you.)


    - |
      When using Erubis::Eruby#evaluate(), changing local variables in
      templates have affected to variables accessible with
      It means that if you change variables in templates, it is
possible to
      change variables in main program.
      This was a bug and is now fixed not to affect to variables in

      ex. template.rhtml


      <% for x in @items %>
      item = <%= x %>
      <% end %>

      ex. main-program.rb
      require 'erubis'
      x = 10
      items = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
      eruby = Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read('template.rhtml'))
      s = eruby.evaluate(:items=>items)
      print s
      $stderr.puts "*** debug: x=#{x.inspect}" #=> x="baz" (2.4.0)
                                                #=> x=10 (2.4.1)

    - |
      PercentLineEnhancer was very slow. Now performance problem is


I saw the benchmarks on the web page. They are impressive !

It seems that Erubis can be used with rails. I have a few questions:
1. What is the current state of this support ?
2. How do we replace standard ERB processing with Erubis ?
3. Why is the code executed with Erubis so much faster the ERB ? Is it
that ERB compilation was not cached in the tests (it certainly is
cached in Ror) ?

Thanks for the answers,



2007/9/25, kwatch <kwa@kuwata-lab.com>:

Hi all,

I have released Erubis 2.4.1.
Erubis is another eRuby implementation which is very fast and
extensible than ERB and eruby.

Great news! I have been able to get my apps running with erubis if
they are using actionpack <= 1.13.2, but not with actionpack 1.13.3.
Is erubis known to work w/ this version of actionpack? My problem
seems to be related to a deprecation that occured in actionpack

