= English
English is a spin-off of Facets, collecting together all the English
language libraries together under a single unified project. The
English project intends to provided a general purpose set of English-
oriented text manipulation and natural language processing Ruby
libraries in one convenient package.
The library thus far consists of censor.rb, double_metaphone.rb,
dresner.rb, inflect.rb, jumble.rb, levenshtein.rb, metaphone.rb,
numerals.rb, patterns.rb, porter_stemming.rb, roman.rb, similarity.rb,
soundex.rb and textfilter.rb.
== Release Notes
This version incorporates some new libraries gathered from various
sources and cleans up the library as a whole. It should be a pretty
usable little library now.
== Usage
Please see the API documentation.
== Install
% gem install english
or download the .zip file and install manually:
% unzip english-x.y.z.zip
% cd english-x.y.z
% sudo task/setup
For Windows users the last line needs to be 'ruby task/setup'.
== Authors
* Trans
* Paul Battley
* Tim Fletcher
* Derek Lewis
* George Moschovitis
* Michael Neumann
== Changes
=== 0.2.0 // 2008-02-06
* Removed Language module. All libraries (except extensions) are now
in toplevel English module.
* Incorporated a couple libraries from the Text project and other
== Copying
English, Copyright (c) 2007 Tiger Ops
Some libraries within English are copyrighted to respective authors,
or are derivatives of such acknowledged work.
English is distributed under the terms of the Ruby License. Which is a
dual GPL license.