[ANN] Deadline for RubyConf 2006 Presentation Proposals

Hi --

I realize I didn't include a deadline in the last announcement. So
here it is: June 30. (It was June 23, but since I forgot to include
it in the announcement, I'm extending it by a week :slight_smile:

The site for presentation proposal submissions is:


Please contact me if you have any pre-submission questions.


for Ruby Central, Inc. and RubyConf 2006


David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net)
* Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
   > Ruby and Rails consultancy and training
* Author of "Ruby for Rails" from Manning Publications!
   > http://www.manning.com/black

dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

Hi --

I realize I didn't include a deadline in the last announcement. So
here it is: June 30. (It was June 23, but since I forgot to include
it in the announcement, I'm extending it by a week :slight_smile:

The site for presentation proposal submissions is:


Please contact me if you have any pre-submission questions.

How big are the time slots? Is there a way to propose shorter talks (20
or 30 min)?


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Hi --

I realize I didn't include a deadline in the last announcement. So
here it is: June 30. (It was June 23, but since I forgot to include
it in the announcement, I'm extending it by a week :slight_smile:

The site for presentation proposal submissions is:


Please contact me if you have any pre-submission questions.

How big are the time slots? Is there a way to propose shorter talks (20
or 30 min)?

Suggestion: The index page for http://proposals.rubygarden.org should have, right up front, all the main details, so that one does not have to register to find out, for example, the deadline, the proposal format, how long talks are expected to be, and so on.

Thanks; not looking to make more work for David, but it may save him time in answering these question by list or E-mail if this info is more readily available.


dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

James Britt

http://www.ruby-doc.org - Ruby Help & Documentation
Ruby Code & Style - The Journal By & For Rubyists
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://refreshingcities.org - Design, technology, usability

Hi --


On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

Hi --

I realize I didn't include a deadline in the last announcement. So
here it is: June 30. (It was June 23, but since I forgot to include
it in the announcement, I'm extending it by a week :slight_smile:

The site for presentation proposal submissions is:


Please contact me if you have any pre-submission questions.

How big are the time slots? Is there a way to propose shorter talks (20
or 30 min)?

As currently planned they're all pretty uniform, at 45-55 minutes.


David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net)
* Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
   > Ruby and Rails consultancy and training
* Author of "Ruby for Rails" from Manning Publications!
   > Ruby for Rails

I would really, really, really like to see a lightning talk session or two.

Letting people talk for only five minutes lets you hear about lots of fascinating things very rapidly.

Please, please, please give us lightning talks.


On Jun 4, 2006, at 5:10 PM, dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

Hi --

I realize I didn't include a deadline in the last announcement. So
here it is: June 30. (It was June 23, but since I forgot to include
it in the announcement, I'm extending it by a week :slight_smile:

The site for presentation proposal submissions is:


Please contact me if you have any pre-submission questions.

How big are the time slots? Is there a way to propose shorter talks (20
or 30 min)?

As currently planned they're all pretty uniform, at 45-55 minutes.

Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://blog.segment7.net
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant


Eric Hodel wrote:

I would really, really, really like to see a lightning talk session or two.

Letting people talk for only five minutes lets you hear about lots of fascinating things very rapidly.

Please, please, please give us lightning talks.

Agreed. That would be quite interesting.


James Britt


I would really, really, really like to see a lightning talk session or two.

Letting people talk for only five minutes lets you hear about lots of fascinating things very rapidly.

Please, please, please give us lightning talks.

I agree. The lighting talks at the Ruby conference in Japan were fun.



On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 03:57:41 +0900, Eric Hodel <drbrain@segment7.net> wrote:

Eric Hodel wrote:

> I would really, really, really like to see a lightning talk session or
> two.
> Letting people talk for only five minutes lets you hear about lots of
> fascinating things very rapidly.
> Please, please, please give us lightning talks.

Agreed. That would be quite interesting.

Yes, please! I proposed these for OSCon a couple of years
ago (called them Ruby Flashes or something), but they didn't fly.

I'd love to see them at RubyConf. (and as a BoF at OSCon if
people are interested)


On 6/6/06, James Britt <james_b@neurogami.com> wrote:

James Britt


Yes, I would really enjoy to see these as well.


On 6/6/06, pat eyler <pat.eyler@gmail.com> wrote:

On 6/6/06, James Britt <james_b@neurogami.com> wrote:
> Eric Hodel wrote:
> > I would really, really, really like to see a lightning talk
session or
> > two.
> >
> > Letting people talk for only five minutes lets you hear about lots of
> > fascinating things very rapidly.
> >
> > Please, please, please give us lightning talks.
> >
> Agreed. That would be quite interesting.