[ANN] celluloid/celluloid-io/celluloid-zmq/dcell 0.8.0: concurrent and distributed objects for Ruby

Celluloid is an easy-to-use library for building concurrent programs in

Celluloid::IO lets you use Celluloid's concurrent objects as general
purpose evented I/O loops similar to EventMachine:

DCell lets you build distributed systems out of actors that talk over the
0MQ protocol, using the Celluloid::ZMQ library:



This release represents an incremental evolution of all of these libraries.
Celluloid 0.8.0 is more efficient, factored better internally, and includes
a new implementation of futures which does not require an additional thread
per future.

Celluloid::IO 0.8.0 is the first release to use nio4r instead of
Kernel.select for I/O multiplexing, which brings with it lower CPU usage
selecting among large numbers of file descriptors.


Changelogs follow:

Celluloid 0.8.0:
- Celluloid::Application has been renamed to Celluloid::Group
- Futures no longer use a thread unless created with a block
- No more future thread-leaks! Future threads auto-terminate now
- Rename Celluloid#async to Celluloid#defer
- Celluloid#tasks now returns an array of tasks with a #status attribute
- Reduce coupling between Celluloid and DCell. Breaks compatibility
with earlier versions of DCell.
- Celluloid::FSMs are no longer actors themselves
- Benchmarks using benchmark_suite

Celluloid::IO 0.8.0:
- Switch to nio4r-based reactor
- Compatibility with Celluloid 0.8.0 API changes

Celluloid::ZMQ 0.8.0:
- Update to match internals of celluloid-io

DCell 0.8.0
- Track calls in-flight with DCell::RPC and DCell::RPC::Manager
- Compatibility changes for Celluloid 0.8.0

Tony Arcieri

Not yet, I'm afraid, although this remains one of Celluloid's most glaring
deficiencies. It's definitely one of my top priorities, although I said the
same thing 2 months ago.


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:07 AM, Dubo <miro.dubo@gmail.com> wrote:

Perfect work Tony.
Have you some plans about load ballancing in celluloid as noted in the discussion
Load ballancing <http://?hl=sk%20#%21topic/celluloid-ruby/_nFEQ5m_ggw>
(Jack Morrill, Lusis)?
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Tony Arcieri