Turn images on your heard drive or on the internet to asciiart...even colorized
*New In This Version: Colorized output!*
*In Code:*
require 'asciiart'
a = AsciiArt.new("/Users/sschor/Desktop/uncle_larry.jpg")
a = AsciiArt.new("
puts a.to_ascii_art
=> ...untold glory follows
puts a.to_ascii_art(color: true)
=> ...now you're cooking with gas
*From The Command Line using the 'asciiart' executable:*
$ asciiart ~/Desktop/uncle_larry.jpgor even
$ asciiart http://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo3w.png
$ asciiart -h
Usage: asciiart [options] <path_or_url>
-w, --width WIDTH Width of the finished Ascii Art
(Default: 100)
-c, --color Switch to use colored terminal
output (Default: false)
-i, --invert-chars Invert the character map.
Depending on your terminal and image this can make the image clearer
(or a lot worse)
-v, --version Show AsciiArt version
-h, --help Show this message
It relies on rmagick, so...you know...make sure your have imagemagick
Github: https://github.com/eastmedia/asciiart
Rubygems: http://rubygems.org/gems/asciiart
Many thanks to our employer, Eastmedia, for allowing us to develop this on
the company dime.
Please use, file issues, and fork away.
Andrew, Ross, & Stephen from Eastmedia