[ANN] arrayfields-4.0.0



     require 'arrayfields'

     a = Arrayfields.new :k, :v, :a, :b

     p a[:k] #=> :v
     p a[:a] #=> :b
     p a.fields #=> [:k, :a]
     p a.values #=> [:v, :b]
     p a #=> [:v, :b]
     p a.to_hash #=> {:k => :v, :a => :b}
     p a.pairs #=> [[:k, :v], [:a, :b]]

     a[:foo] = :bar

     p a[:foo] #=> :bar
     p a.fields #=> [:k, :a, :foo]


     require 'arrayfields'

     fields = 'name', 'age'
     a = [ 'zaphod', 42 ]

     a.fields = fields

     a['name'] #=> 'zaphod'
     a[:name ] #=> 'zaphod'
     a.indices 'name', 'age' #=> [ 'zaphod', 42 ]

   allow keyword access to array instances. arrayfields works by adding only a
   few methods to arrays, namely #fields= and fields, but the #fields= method is
   hooked to extend an array on a per object basis. in otherwords __only__ those
   arrays whose fields are set will have auto-magical keyword access bestowed on
   them - all other arrays remain unaffected. arrays with keyword access require
   much less memory when compared to hashes/objects and yet still provide fast
   lookup and preserve data order.






   <========< sample/a.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/a.rb

     require 'arrayfields'


     # the class Array has only a few added method, one is for setting the fields,
     # when the fields are set for an array THIS INSTANCE ONLY will be modified to
     # allow keyword access. other arrays will not be affected!
       a = [0,1,2]
       fields = ['zero', 'one', 'two']
       a.fields = fields # ONLY the Array 'a' is affected!
     # keyword access is now allowed for many methods
       p a['zero'] #=> 0
       p a['one'] #=> 1
       p a['two'] #=> 2
       p a.at('one') #=> 1
       p a.values_at('zero', 'two') #=> [0, 2]
     # assigmnet is allowed
       a['zero'] = 42
       p a['zero'] #=> 0
       a['zero'] = 0
     # assignment to non-fields results in the element being appended and the field
     # being added for future use (also appended)
       p(a.fields.join(',')) #=> "zero, one, two"
       p a['three'] #=> nil
       a['three'] = 3
       p(a.fields.join(',')) #=> "zero, one, two, three"
       p a['three'] #=> 3
     # other detructive methods are also keyword enabled
       a.fill 42, 'zero', len = a.size
       p(a.values_at(a.fields)) #=> [42, 42, 42, 42]
       a.replace [0,1,2,3]

       a.slice! 'two', 2
       p a #=> [0,1]

   ~ > ruby sample/a.rb

     [0, 2]
     [42, 42, 42, 42]
     [0, 1]

   <========< sample/b.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/b.rb

     require 'arrayfields'
     # the struct class factory method can be used in much the same way as ruby's
     # own struct generators and is useful when the fields for a set of arrays is
     # known apriori
       c = Array.struct :a, :b, :c # class generator
       a = c.new [42, nil, nil]
       a[:c] = 42
       p a #=> [42, nil, 42]
     # of course we can append too
       a[:d] = 42.0
       p a[:d] #=> 42.0
       p a #=> [42, nil, 42, 42.0]

   ~ > ruby sample/b.rb

     [42, nil, 42]
     [42, nil, 42, 42.0]

   <========< sample/c.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/c.rb

     require 'arrayfields'
     # the Array.fields methods generates an insance with those fields
       a = Array.fields :a, :b, :c
       a[:a] = a[:c] = 42
       p a #=> [42, nil, 42]
       p a.fields #=> [:a, :b, :c]
       p a.values #=> [42, nil, 42]

   ~ > ruby sample/c.rb

     [42, nil, 42]
     [:a, :b, :c]
     [42, nil, 42]

   <========< sample/d.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/d.rb

     require 'arrayfields'
     # the Arrayfields.new method is a contruct that takes evenly numbered pairs of
     # arbitrary objects and builds up and fielded array
       a = Arrayfields.new :key, :value, :a, :b
       p a.fields #=> [:key, :a]
       p a.values #=> [:value, :b]
     # you can use a hash - but of course the ordering gets lost in the initial
     # hash creation. aka the order of fields get horked by the unorderedness if
     # the hash iteration. it's okay for some purposed though
       a = Arrayfields.new :key => :value, :a => :b
       p a.fields #=> [:key, :a]
       p a.values #=> [:value, :b]
     # lists of pairs get flattened - the result simply has to be evenly numbered
       a = Arrayfields.new [[:key, :value], [:a, :b]]
       p a.fields #=> [:key, :a]
       p a.values #=> [:value, :b]
       p a.pairs #=> [[:key, :value], [:a, :b]]

   ~ > ruby sample/d.rb

     [:key, :a]
     [:value, :b]
     [:key, :a]
     [:value, :b]
     [:key, :a]
     [:value, :b]
     [[:key, :value], [:a, :b]]


     - added Arrayfields.new(*arbitrary_evenly_numbered_list_of_objects)
     - added #to_pairs and #pairs
     - tried but failed to recall what happend for version 3.8
     - changed Array.fields to == Arrayfields.new (used to alias Array.struct)
     - added impl of Fieldable#dup that sets fields in dupped object


a @ http://drawohara.com/
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

I like this library. But I'm curious, why not just stick with the
"Fieldarray" class and add an Array#to_fa method, instead of dealing
with overriding/singleton methods on Array at all?


the primary/initial use was this:

result = database_connection.execute 'select * from foobar'

fields = result.fields #=> postgres and other adapters give this info
ten_thousand_records = result.records #=> but then return and array of arrays

# so...

ten_thousand_records.each do |record|
   record.fields = fields

# instead of creating ten thousand new objects we just work with what we've got

csv (before faster csv) is another use case.

basically alot of libs give back arrays for order, but then code reads like

   wtf = row[7]

instead of

  p row[:ssn]

hopefully that's clear enough ?


a @ http://drawohara.com/


On Sep 13, 2007, at 11:35 AM, Trans wrote:

I like this library. But I'm curious, why not just stick with the
"Fieldarray" class and add an Array#to_fa method, instead of dealing
with overriding/singleton methods on Array at all?

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama




On Sep 13, 11:06 am, "ara.t.howard" <ara.t.how...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sep 13, 2007, at 11:35 AM, Trans wrote:

> I like this library. But I'm curious, why not just stick with the
> "Fieldarray" class and add an Array#to_fa method, instead of dealing
> with overriding/singleton methods on Array at all?

the primary/initial use was this:

result = database_connection.execute 'select * from foobar'

fields = result.fields #=> postgres and other adapters
give this info
ten_thousand_records = result.records #=> but then return and array
of arrays

# so...

ten_thousand_records.each do |record|
   record.fields = fields

# instead of creating ten thousand new objects we just work with what
we've got

csv (before faster csv) is another use case.

basically alot of libs give back arrays for order, but then code
reads like

   wtf = row[7]

instead of

  p row[:ssn]

hopefully that's clear enough ?