[ANN] amalgalite 0.7.4 Released

Issue a new version, find new bugs. The cycle continues...

amalgalite version 0.7.4 has been released.

  gem install amalgalite


Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension. There is no
need to install SQLite separately.

Look in the examples/ directory to see

* general usage
* blob io
* schema information
* custom functions
* custom aggregates
* requiring ruby code from a database

Also Scroll through Amalgalite::Database for a quick example, and a general
overview of the API.

{{ Release notes for Version 0.7.4 }}

=== Bug Fixes

* fix Database#first_row_from not behaving the same as Database#execute() when
  there are no results. [reported by James Edward Gray II]



Jeremy Hinegardner jeremy@hinegardner.org