I'm new to Aeditor and I probably should try it out. I have a bias for
emacs. I've used it or one of its ancestors for two decades and have become
used to being able to do just about everything in it.
Having a general purpose language like Ruby on board might make one think
that you plan on going down the emacs road with aeditor. Could this be
true? Do you plan on making this a general purpose environment?
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Simon Strandgaard [mailto:neoneye@adslhome.dk]
-> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:01 PM
-> To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
-> Subject: [ANN] aeditor 1.7
-> AEditor is an uborcool programmer's editor, written entirely in Ruby
-> and very easy to extend with your own customizations.
-> screenshots:
-> http://aeditor.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?HomePage
-> install guide + download: http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/aeditor/
-> Contact me if you want to volunteer.
-> Changes since 1.6
-> 1) ruby syntax coloring has been improved
-> it can now deal with strings,literals,regexp that spans over
-> multiple lines. If brackets has been used for literals, then
-> it count bracket-pairs and ignores escaped brackets.
-> http://aeditor.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?RubyLexer
-> 2) c++ syntax coloring
-> http://aeditor.rubyforge.org/aeditor_shots/029.png
-> http://aeditor.rubyforge.org/aeditor_shots/027.png
-> 3) delete key.
-> 4) immediate update.. earlier if there were incoming event
-> then no repaint occured, which could be frustrating if
-> you held down a key.
-> Thanks for all the feedback I have gotten. Keep it coming
-> AEditor 1.7 features
-> aeditor --selftest # -> 421 tests, 1447 assertions, 0
-> failures, 0 errors
-> syntax coloring for: ruby, c++.
-> multi buffers
-> option for autoindent
-> option for skipping tabs or moving through tabs
-> option for tabsize
-> configuration file
-> easy to make custom themes
-> ruby license
-> platform independent: works on unix, mac and win.
-> AEditor 1.7 uses these keybindings
-> CTRL-G Goto line
-> CTRL-M Jump to matching parentesis
-> CTRL-Left Prev word
-> CTRL-Right Next word
-> CTRL-PgUp Goto Top
-> CTRL-PgDn Goto Bottom
-> F4 Incremental centering
-> Left Move left
-> Right Move right
-> Up Move up
-> Down Move down
-> PgUp Move a page up
-> PgDn Move a page down
-> Home Move to indentation point / move to line begin
-> End Move to line end
-> Backspace Remove left letter
-> Delete Remove right letter
-> Enter Break line
-> Tab Indent line
-> SHIFT-Left Unindent line / Unindent selection
-> SHIFT-Right Indent line / Indent selection
-> SHIFT-Up Exchange with line above
-> SHIFT-Down Exchange with line below
-> F5 Selection on/off (turn off copies to clipboard)
-> F6 Paste from clipboard
-> F7 Cut selection
-> F10 Record/Stop
-> F11 Play Macro
-> CTRL-F Find text
-> CTRL-R Replace text
-> F3 Repeat search
-> F9 Jump to next bookmark
-> CTRL-B Insert/Remove Bookmark
-> CTRL-Z Undo
-> Esc Return to normal mode (turn off selectionmode)
-> F1 [ debug - inspect aeditor internals ]
-> CTRL-O Open File
-> CTRL-S Save File
-> CTRL-1 Switch to 1st buffer
-> CTRL-2 Switch to 2nd buffer
-> CTRL-3 Switch to 3rd buffer
-> F12 Next Buffer
-> SHIFT-F12 Prev Buffer
-> F8 Fullscreen / Window mode
-> Open Questions
-> Q. In which direction should AEditor evolve?
-> Q. What features is missing so it fits your needs?
-> Q. Whats wrong with AEditor?
-> I am very willing to help if you have requests. Thanks.
-> --
-> Simon Strandgaard